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what if?

personal retreats for men in Andalusia


What if you decide to take some time for yourself? What if you get insights into what you really want? What if you grant yourself permission to eliminate the beliefs that influence your life? What if?


verb – /rɪˈtriːt/ 
to escape to a place that is quieter or safer

Book a retreat

Personal retreats can be booked whenever suits you. Typically it is a six-day getaway on our finca in Andalusia Spain. Various accommodations are available. Ranging from a bell tent in our olive grove to a luxury double bedroom with a private bathroom.

why mannenpower

A lot of women around me go to sharing circles and educate themselves in Astrology or Human Design. They embark on a spiritual journey. Sometimes searching to heal themselves sometimes out of pure curiosity. How many men do that? Do you?

Men often find these practices too woolly, too feminine. One of the reasons I’ve created mannenpower.